Who am I?
- I am in 7th grader
- I do cheerleading
My favorite book and why
- My favorite book was Turtle in Paradise because it has a good story and I loved the how different it was from the rest of the books I read.
Books I have read
- Wonder
- Turtle in Paradise
- Mocking Jay
My personal spelling demons
- Thursday
- Principal
- Surgery
Writing Pieces
Top Top Thankful List
1) Friends
2) Home
3) Famliy
4) Phone
5) School
6) Being Healtly
7) Food
8) Money
9) North Face
10) Candy
Small Moment
The first time I competed at a cheerleading competition, I was very excited. It was in Colonie.
My team was next to compete. I was so nervous, felt like I was going to vomit. The other
team just finished their routine. It was time for us to go on the mat and do our routine. My team
and I ran out smiling.
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