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The Million Dollar Shot

Page history last edited by Beth Dounane 13 years, 11 months ago




  • main characters-Eddie Ball and Annie
  • setting-trailer park, Louisiana, autumn
  • problem-Eddie and Annie are both poor


Rising Action

  • Eddie enters a contest for a million dollars



  • Trying to make the shot at the NBA game


What students have to say about the book:


The Freak: Overall, it was a very good book.  It has  a good ending. I wonder how the new company will work out?

Ethan10: It's a good book. You should read it. This would never happen in real life. It wouldn't even make the newspapers.

Flying Monkey: I hated the book. I don't like baskeball or any other sport, but I like Finkles. They are very tasty.

Emo: The book was awesome. It made me read another book by the same author. I decided to read The Million Dollar Put.

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