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Heroes Don't Run

Page history last edited by Beth Dounane 14 years, 7 months ago




Helpful vocabulary


K-abbreviation for Okinawa

LCT-name of a boat

furlough-break earned while in the military

USMC-United States Marine Corps

KP-Kitchen Police

MP-Military police


boot camp-military training

Paris Island-marine training camp

internment camp-U.S. placed Jampanese Americans in these camps because they feared they were traitors

POW camp-prisoner

platoon- small branch of the military

sharp shooter-someone that is really good at aiming a gun; aka sniper

MIS-Military Intelligence Service

BAR-Browning Automatic Rifle

notary-getting an official to witness a signature

LST-Landing Ship for Troops

CO-commanding officer

K ration-food

Purple Heart-medal earned for becoming injured in battle

onload-a bunch of ships firing at an island


DI-Drill Instructor

mortars-movable artillery

UWAC-US Women's Army Corps

armada-push forward in battle

Kamikaze pilots-suicide mission for a country


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